Friday, April 23, 2010

Spinal Tap . . . for Reals!

You know that feeling you get when your life is just ticking away and you feel like your just going through the motions? Yeah, we all do.  But this time it was one of those things where everything was in motion.  All that was required was to meet our end of things.  You know, show up on time, follow directions, basically be there.  Yeah, just like taking an airline flight somewhere.  Well, this week was just like that.  It included all of the pent up fears of all that can go wrong right before, during and even after the flight.  The plane could be delayed--we both caught a cold the weekend before the operation.  The plane could have some mechanical error or the pilot could be drunk or have an epileptic fit during the flight--the sciatic nerve and/or herniated disc could be something or the doc or someone could sneeze during the procedure, etc.  Our luggage could've gotten lost--records could've gotten mixed up, etc.  Anyway, you see my point.  Life is a big crap shoot and we're--the survivors--all lucky to be gettin' on about our lives each day.

Well, we made it.  Lisa's discectomy of the L5 - S1 lumbar regional heriation on the sciatic nerve was a "boring" success!  She was up and walking the very next day!  Modern medicine.  I remember spending a week or two back in '73? for appendicitis.  Sure it was at Philadelphia Naval Hospital during the Vietnam Era.  I didn't get a general anesthetic but got a spinal tap instead and was conscious during the procedure.  In fact, I remember the anesthesiologist giving me water soaked sponges for my dry mouth.  I even asked for one during the operation, "sponge please".  One of the nurses heard it and thought the surgeon had requested it and handed him one.  Come to think of it, that might explain why I'm so thirsty all the time.

Anyway, Lisa was out for her procedure so that wasn't an issue.  However, when she came to, she was quoted as saying, "Wait, wait, I'm still on my bike." I spent the night next to her in the hospital on some funky vinyl covered taco shell of a mattress/cot.  Every hour or so, the nurses would creep in and take her vitals 'n' stuff.  My cold was not a concern as it was nearing its end and not in the contagion phase nor did I have any sort of fever.  The only real issue was when she had to relieve herself.  It required her being assisted out of bed and lead to the bathroom.  "Roll like a log" the nurses would say, never mind the pain.

We stayed an extra day within five miles of the hospital, at Hotel Deca in the U-District, just for good measure.  You know, in case she started growing a third arm or leg out of her fresh incision or her sutures pop and her spine comes sliding out and she becomes a candidate to replace the current boneless chicken farmer or some such thing. All went well though and we even took a walk to Performance Cycling and Trader Joe's.  We spent most of our time though, just lounging and watching Seattle do it's thing.  That or whatever the idiot box had to offer.

We did catch parts 3-6 of The Pacific on HBO.  After watching The Hurt Locker last weekend, it was enough just to be thankful that I never had to serve during any major conflict.  We are all indebted to the veterans who've had to do our country's bidding during war time.  I just vote against it when I can see no need for it. Nonetheless, whatever the reason for the conflict, we owe our thanks to those who've served honorably.

Got a little off course there.  Back to Lisa's recovery.  We're home and recuperating.  I actually got a ride in yesterday and did a few errands and "enjoyed" the soon to be typical afternoon 12mph westerly headwinds. I even made it to the Elwha Pedestrian Bridge.  Lisa's sister was able to watch her while I got a much needed ride in.  All I could think about though, was how soon she/we would be able to ride together again.  It was a gorgeous day, wind and all and the only thing missing was my riding partner.  She loves the view from Kacee Way down to the pedestrian bridge.  Soon my dear, soon.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April . . . used to be a girl I know . . . not really.

Yeah, it's late.  I'm half in the proverbial bag.  Hey, it's Friday F-ing Night!  But, anyway, I've been dealin' w/ some issues.  Yeah, our household has taken on some extra bodies an' all . . .  Anyway, what're ya gonna do?  Kick 'em to the street?  Besides, who doesn't like the smell of chihuahua shit?  NEVERMIND!