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How can I possibly top Matt Good's, Last Parade:

 "It feels like just another day
Like one more dead town's last parade
Like we're taking pictures of a tidal wave
On the shore grinning a hundred feet away
It feels like time ain't time at all
Just black out, wake up foreign, wander home"


Well, I'm not bipolar (as far as I know). But the images . . . I've seen some of these scenes (in person or, on TV). How do we draw the lines these days? If I see someone falling to their death from the twin towers or facing a tidal wave on TV, do those count as . . . personal experiences? AND, for that matter, if I witness, in real life, some dead town's last parade, and MG uses it in his lyrics, does that nullify  my experience?  Nah, his music/prose just conjures up those particular images from my psyche. His stuff is personal . . . to me.  And THAT's what I love about music and prose.