Monday, January 17, 2011

Motivational Inertia

So the days getting shorter and the shadows and nights getting longer are reversing, so too should my ever expanding waistline.  But that's not how it goes unless I, the most responsible person of me, does something about it.  I have this hypothesis about exercise.  It's nothing new, nothing I ever think of ever is, but I experienced it and thought of it on my own.  Therefore, it's MY idea.  I call it "excercise momentum".  Like I said, nothing new.  Anyway, if I don't find initiative to get excercising (aka, riding my bike), IT don't happen.  What does it take to . . . take that first step/pedal stroke?  It takes putting on your "fat" pants and struggling to get the top button near the hole or snap that fastens the damn things together!  It's just not RIGHT!

So this morning I slipped into my jeans and buttoned them up and . . . exhaled.  No rivets popped, the button fly buttons held and although my thighs look like they've been painted in some weird blue jean textured paint, I was able to move, somewhat "comfortably" (and I use that term . . . er, rather um, loosely).  (Would that be an "anti-pun"?)  Anyway, I put my belt on and notice from the worn notch holes that although I've been fatter, I've also been thinner!  This last summer was probably our most bicycle active summer ever yet, we um, self medicated? ourselves into a rather redundant routine.  As you may or may not know, we (mostly I) was suffering from "In-Law-festation".  Finally, in October, we were free, except for a nasty habit of having more than a glass or two of wine or beer a night.

Now that the "Holidays" are over, it's time to take stock and see beyond our noses (and bellies) to where it is we're heading.  High blood pressure, early onset of type two diabetes, ever increasing weight, heart trouble and a complete lack of will to do anything about it?  NO!  Not for me and not for Lisa.  We're free, remember?  That means we've got our house back and all we have to do now is get our lives back.  So first things first.  Cut down on alcohol!  Cut down on large caloric holiday dinners (that's easy now).  And, start riding/excercising more.

I gained about 7-10 lbs. this winter mostly due to the fact that I pulled my hamstring just above and behind my knee in the last outdoor soccer game of the season.  It was October, a tad cold and I'd played the first half on the field as a forward.  The second half I was in goal and on a particular breakaway with mere minutes left in the game, I started to sprint out of net and . . . POP, I went down hobbling and a hollering.  That meant no racquetball for about four months, no riding for about a month, and no indoor practice until January.  So, sit, watch football/soccer/movies/whatever and have a beer or four!  Voila, GAIN FRICKIN' TEN POUNDS!

So today, I turned on the switch.  I got on Kandi and I rode.  Check it out:

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