Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Revelling in Bandon

12/18-24/11 Diggin' our . . . digs, we saw the foggy morning give way to some unexpected blue sky!  Our place on the beach was tiny but there's just the two of us so we don't need much space, just a view.  With the weather turning out so nice, we decided to scope out a small ride for Lisa's recovery.  We had internet access so we used Google Earth to plot a route for our ride the next day.

I always wanted to visit China Beach.
Hey, where's Dana Delany again?
China Beach we stopped for a quick look and snapped a picture.  The temp was a cool 48 degrees but the sun helped.  We brought all our cold weather gear (including lights) but found that the weather was so decent, we really didn't need everything.  Still, we geared up for the worse and were glad in the shady parts of the ride.  The wind was only around 6 MPH but in the shade, it made us glad we had our winter gear on.  You can always unzip and/or take it off, but if you don't have it, you suffer.

Apparently there are other ways
 to "ride" in Bandon.

Lisa and me at Seven Devils.

 We had such a good time riding the little Beach Loop Dr. loop that we planned a ride to Seven Devils State Recreation Site.  We took a day to scope it first.  Having reconnoitered it, we knew there was only one serious climb, the one to get out.  It was short so we figured we'd be able to handle it:

We were jazzed that Lisa was doin' so well.  Her major complaint was all about not having enough fat on her tush.  Her muscles had atrophied since her weight loss and treatment.  "Well, that's what we're doin' this for," I told her.  She troopered on!  That's what I love about her.  She enjoyed the ride non-the-less and we planned a few more to boot.  We lost our internet access for a couple of days so planning the next ride proved to be a gee whiz affair.  After that killer climb up Randolph Road from North Bank Road, we were glad we reconnoitered East Beaver Hill before we decided to head east then north:

Team McCoy chillaxin' after ridin' the
East Beaver Hill - North Bank Loop.
Some might've thought that bringing our plush Roubaix's down to Bandon would've been all for naught.  I too, was skeptical.  In fact, we had originally planned to bring our single speed Langsters.  What folly that would've been!  We gambled that there might be some weather worth riding our premium bikes in.  Little did we know we'd have a whole frickin' WEEK!  THAT, my friends, is what I call a Festivus for the rest of us!  Hope you all had a Happy/Merry ____________!!!

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