Monday, February 22, 2010

The Springwater Corridor, on a Sunny February Day

Had to ride solo yesterday. It was stellar but quiet and a tad lonely. I wanted to get at least 40 miles in and the weather was exquisite. In spite of a slight detour to 92nd St. it was an out and back ride. The trail markers called it a 40 mile loop, but it's out and back.  I rode into the wind uphill and downwind downhill back.  Stopped in Gresham for a quick bite.  Gresham has quite a quaint little shopping district.

My usual riding partner (my wife) was laid up in the hotel room sleeping/reading/watching TV, etc. I missed her. She would've loved Gresham.  Sciatica is nothing to sneeze at. It's quite debilitating. So I rode and took pictures and came back with stories of strange new places (e.g., Gresham). Then I took her out to dinner at the Widmer Gasthaus. It was standing room only which worked out great since sitting really wasn't an option. The food was great and, of course, so was the beer. Nice bartender too.

I called in this morning and found out that my boss ended up having her gallbladder removed. Whew! She's a smoker so I feared the worse. I'm quite relieved to learn it was only her gallbladder. I also tried to find out what was up with Marian but haven't heard back yet.

Route:--Elev. Avg:187 ft
Location:Portland, OR, Elev. Gain:-3 ft
Date:02/21/10Up/Downhill: [+2047/-2050]
Time:04:22 PMDifficulty:4.4 / 5.0
56 F temp; 20% humidity
56 F heat index; winds ENE 13 mph
Distance: 50.77 miles
Speed:13.4 mph
Pace:4' 29 /mi
Elevation (ft)

Posted from

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sometimes, the trials in life . . . come in threes.

Fifty degrees PLUS, in February no less.  Hmm, so bad things come in threes, or so I'm told.  And, it's been true every time I counted.  Don't really know what that all means but, here's the latest.  So, last entry I was alarmed and dismayed and confused about Marian's accident near the 8th St. Bridge.  I thought I might have time to visit and find out what's up but I was on foot and on a schedule and ignorant to what was up so I didn't make it to Harborview.  Marian's status is still unknown (at least to me).

So, did I mention that I was at a meeting in Seattle on Friday?  Yeah, well, anyway, I was.  And, I was headed to Portland to meet up with Lisa (that'd be my lovely wife), Friday evening.  I was scheduled to pick up and transport our friend's, husband up in Allyn on the way.  That meant, I couldn't really elaborate much on the plan. Just as we get into Portland, I get the call that my boss received paramedic treatment in the afternoon meeting that I didn't have to attend.  Apparently she'd entered into some medical facility in Seattle and was getting treated for feeling faint and pains in the back or something.

Well, then comes number three!  The wife texts me and we set up for lunch at Red Robin's.  When she shows, she's in dire pain.  She can't even sit. She's been sitting in crappy conference seats for three straight days.  Then, she's finds she can no longer sit due to pain in her left hip.  The pain shoots down her left leg and bending of any kind is, for all intents and purposes, too painful.  We retire to our hotel and watch "Tin Cup" waiting for Aleve to "relieve".  But, no joy.  Lisa is in serious pain.  I'm at my wits end.  We decide it's Dr. time.

We head to Emanuel Hospital and hit the ER for treatment.  Turns out, hospital was in my tea leaves.  Luckily, the ER was light on patients and we only spent 2 or so hours of an otherwise spectacular day in a 12 x 10 windowless ER room.  It started out all tense and worrisome but ended up with Lisa  being diagnosed with Sciatica.  Turns out the doc actually had the same symptoms, etc.  Prognosis, no biking or any physically strenuous activity whatsoever for . . . until the pain goes away (w/o drugs).  Meanwhile she gets drugs an' stuff.  Meanwhile, I'm in Portland and minus my gorgeous wingman (wingwoman?).

Don't know what's up with Marian or my boss, but the wife is woozy and pain free for the time being.  Then I'm gonna make sure she's got all she needs while I . . . yeah, I'm gonna ride far and wide in Portland while the weather is . . . stellar.  When life throws curve balls, bend . . . bend like a willow and go where you can while you can.  No, I don't think all is well in the world, but, I've no control over such things.  So, I'm gonna do what Bruce says and, "Just Ride!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cyclist Down!

My wife alerted me that she saw police cars and an ambulance driving toward the 8th St. Bridge after she dropped me off at the Y.  She didn't know what was up but that someone got hurt on or near one of the bridges.  It wasn't until this morning that I found out it was Marian Byes.  Apparently she was hit by a 21 year old driver of a GMC S-10 according to the PDN. She was taken to Harbor View and all of our best wishes are with her tonight and during her recovery. I don't know anymore info. I was in a meeting all day today and I will be in another in Seattle tomorrow.  Then I'll be headed to Portland for the weekend. I might have to stop by Harbor View to see what the deal is. I hope she's alright, but if you're flown to HV, not much is alright with your world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Into the Glistening Day We Rolled . . .

At last the sun has begun to accompany me on my morning commute. Headlights are no longer required. The headwind from the west is of a warmer breath so I don't need earmuffs anymore either. In fact, my GoreTex gloves are a bit too warm this morning. This week promises to be dryer and warmer than the last. It's unseasonable but welcome nonetheless.

Route:--Elev. Avg:229 ft
Location:Port Angeles, WA, Elev. Gain:-151 ft
Date:02/16/10Up/Downhill: [+695/-846]
Time:08:08 AMDifficulty:3.3 / 5.0
46 F temp; 91% humidity
46 F heat index; winds WNW 13 mph
Distance: 9.98 miles
Speed:14.1 mph
Pace:4' 15 /mi
Elevation (ft)
Speed (mph)
MilePace (min/mile)Speed (mph)Elevation
actual+/- avgactual+/- avg
14' 11-0' 0414.3+0.2-20 ft
25' 24+1' 0811.1-3.0+69 ft
35' 16+1' 0011.4-2.7+46 ft
44' 55+0' 3912.2-1.9+39 ft
54' 15-0' 0014.1+0.0-3 ft
64' 02-0' 1314.8+0.70 ft
74' 11-0' 0414.3+0.2+26 ft
83' 16-0' 5918.3+4.2-108 ft
93' 19-0' 5618.0+3.9-95 ft
end3' 40-0' 3516.3+2.2-105 ft
Versus average of 14.1 mph

Posted from

Monday, February 15, 2010

Paving Paradise?

Here's an image depicting the recent construction of the Elwha Valley (access) Road looking toward its connection to Kacee Way / Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT).

It will have 6-ft. wide shoulders on both sides and connect to the ODT.

Later this year, the Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge crossing will be constructed and we'll have a bike/pedestrian separated trail from 10th and Milwaukee to Highway 112.

It'll cross the Elwha River on the new Elwha River Bridge located on Elwha River Rd.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to Counter Cog (not necessarily all about cycling, but mostly)

It'll be awhile before we'll see this side of the tunnels up Heart of the Hills Road to Hurricane Ridge. The recent collapse of the roadway near Lake Dawn is currently under construction. So, this is what it looked like last Spring-ish.