Monday, February 22, 2010

The Springwater Corridor, on a Sunny February Day

Had to ride solo yesterday. It was stellar but quiet and a tad lonely. I wanted to get at least 40 miles in and the weather was exquisite. In spite of a slight detour to 92nd St. it was an out and back ride. The trail markers called it a 40 mile loop, but it's out and back.  I rode into the wind uphill and downwind downhill back.  Stopped in Gresham for a quick bite.  Gresham has quite a quaint little shopping district.

My usual riding partner (my wife) was laid up in the hotel room sleeping/reading/watching TV, etc. I missed her. She would've loved Gresham.  Sciatica is nothing to sneeze at. It's quite debilitating. So I rode and took pictures and came back with stories of strange new places (e.g., Gresham). Then I took her out to dinner at the Widmer Gasthaus. It was standing room only which worked out great since sitting really wasn't an option. The food was great and, of course, so was the beer. Nice bartender too.

I called in this morning and found out that my boss ended up having her gallbladder removed. Whew! She's a smoker so I feared the worse. I'm quite relieved to learn it was only her gallbladder. I also tried to find out what was up with Marian but haven't heard back yet.

Route:--Elev. Avg:187 ft
Location:Portland, OR, Elev. Gain:-3 ft
Date:02/21/10Up/Downhill: [+2047/-2050]
Time:04:22 PMDifficulty:4.4 / 5.0
56 F temp; 20% humidity
56 F heat index; winds ENE 13 mph
Distance: 50.77 miles
Speed:13.4 mph
Pace:4' 29 /mi
Elevation (ft)

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