Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Launch Day

So you want a little excitement?  Well, try getting on one of these babies while the swells are pitching a vertical difference of 6-10 feet.  This has to be one of the most dangerous aspects of ocean floor mapping.  The "davits" (sp?) were not really designed for such a heavy boat (so I'm told).  They're the cranes that launch the 4 survey launches over the side of the ship.  The tackle (hooks) are quite heavy and cumbersome.  I watched in wonder waiting for something to go wrong as the small boat heaved up and down and the deck hands timed the release of the hooks.  Precarious at best is really the only way to describe the operation.  I hope no one gets injurred during these operations.

I was fortunate enough to be allowed to sail on one of these "launches" yesterday.  The day started out all gray with some mild rollers (swells).  Our crew consisted of Tammy, Jon and Jim (and me).  I was mostly just along for the ride and the experience as the survey commenced rather unceremoniously and without much difficulty.  There was some issue with initializing of a particular piece of equipment but a quick shutdownd, wipe of a card and reboot and all was up and running.  The area we were mapping was flat as a pancake and sandy.  In other words, not much excitement and no need for me to hang over the bow to look for potential obstacles.  In other, other words, calm, serene, uneventful, at times boring, but otherwise peaceful and relaxing.

Eventually, the sun broke through and I was able to work on my sunburn/windburn.  It was . . .  (more later) . . .

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