Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tour de Trails o' Boulder

After yesterday's tour de force of LiDaR 2 workshop mania from 7am to 11pm, I was nearing my capacity to absorb information (esp., Ph.D. level info).  It was a long day yesterday and I'd just about had my share of sitting on hard, uncomfortable conference chairs.  One more day though.  One more day of sitting and squirming and wishing I could be out on a trail somewhere taking in the thin Colorado air and soaking in those dangerous high altitude photons.  But I have to admit, the workshop was very, very informative if not, at times, over my head.  What do you expect from a room full of Ph.D.s?

Nonetheless, the workshop wound down to an end and everyone was milling about waiting for the hotel bus or the airport shuttle.  The clouds came and went all day and the wind seemed to be ever present, but the temps hovered just under 80 deg F.  I figured that as long as I could make it to the bike shop in time, I'd rent a bike over night and ride the rest of the day until dinner.  But this time, instead of a $20 "Dorkster", I'd pike a road bike.  They had Giant Defy 1 and 3 and I picked the lower end one but they were out so I got the upper end one for the lower end price. So, I took a few pictures and for some reason, my GPS quite each time so I had to cobble the routes together:

  Cycle 06:39 pm
Boulder, CO
  Cycle  06/02/10  --  9.99  0:50:37  11.8 mph

  Cycle 05:52 pm
Boulder, CO
  Cycle  06/02/10--  7.51  0:35:02  12.9 mph

  Cycle 05:27 pm
Boulder, CO
  Cycle  06/02/10--  3.07  0:17:54  10.3 mph

Tour de Trails o' Boulder
Boulder, CO,
07:51 PM

Partly Cloudy

79 F temp; 24% humidity

76 F heat index; winds WSW 6 mph
I have to tell you, if you ever want to see what a "state of the art" bike path system looks like, you gotta see Boulder, CO.

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